Property Taxes
Any changes to the tax roll (name, address, location, assessed value) must be processed through the Lake County Property Appraiser’s Office, (352) 253-2150.
Ad Valorem Taxes
“Ad valorem” is a Latin phrase meaning “according to worth”. Ad valorem taxes are levied on real estate property and are based on the assessed value of the property established by the Lake County Property Appraiser's Office. Local taxing authorities set the respective millage rates.
Non-Ad Valorem Taxes
Non-ad valorem assessments are based on the improvement or service cost for a property (example: solid waste, and fire rescue), and are levied on a benefit unit basis, rather than on value. These amounts are set by the applicable taxing authorities in the county.
Using the ad valorem values, and allowing for exemptions, the tax roll is completed by the Property Appraiser. The certified non-ad valorem assessments roll is then merged with the certified ad valorem roll. From this information, the Tax Collector prints and mails the tax notice to the owner’s recorded address as it appears on the tax roll.
These real estate taxes are collected on an annual basis by the Lake County Tax Collector's Office. The collection must begin on November 1st for the current tax year of January through December.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH PROPERTY OWNER TO SEE THAT THEIR TAXES ARE PAID, AND THAT THEY DO INDEED RECEIVE A TAX NOTICE. In the case where the property owner’s taxes are paid through an escrow account, the mortgage company should request the tax bill from the Tax Collector. The property owner will still receive a tax notice. If a mortgage company has claimed the account, an escrow code will appear on the top of the notice, as well as a banner on the bottom of the notice.
The following discounts are provided for early payment:
4% discount if paid in full by November 30th
3% discount if paid in full by December 31st
2% discount if paid in full by January 31st
1% discount if paid in full by February 28th
The gross amount must be paid by March 31st
*The discount on payments mailed to our office is determined by the postmark.
Taxes become delinquent on April 1st of each year, at which time a 3% statutory interest is added to the total amount due.